About King’s Cross 

The Story of King’s Cross

King’s Cross Church was founded in 2022 by a group of Christians who wanted to see another healthy church raised up in and for East Nashville. Our mission is to glorify God and make disciples of Christ by proclaiming the good news of God’s kingdom. Our vision is to be a Christ-centered church for East Nashville.

Our Leadership


King’s Cross is led by a plurality of pastors, also called elders or overseers in the Bible. Pastors are primarily tasked with shepherding the church through the ministry of the Word, prayer, and leadership. King’s Cross is also served by deacons, men and women who are devoted to meeting some of the church’s practical needs.

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Our Beliefs


Every church has convictions about what is true. We seek to balance conviction and charity by stating clearly the beliefs most important to us as a church (what we call “essential beliefs”), and also by stating our convictions on less central matters (“distinctive beliefs”). We seek to find unity with other churches through our essentials and to maintain charity over disagreement about distinctives.

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Our Core Values


While all churches have the same mission of making disciples and are united around the essential truths of the faith, local churches in specific times and places are called to pursue a few core values that are essential in their context. These are the things King’s Cross hopes to pursue to create a healthy church that is in and for East Nashville.

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